CONTACT HRRJ CONTACT HRRJ VISIT US2690 ELMHURST LANEPORTSMOUTH, VA 23701INMATE INFO: 757-335-6260MAIN: 757-488-7500MORE MESSAGE USINFO@HRRJ.ORGWEBMASTER@HRRJ.ORGCAREERS@HRRJ.ORGPURCHASING@HRRJ.ORGMORE COMMENDCommend an HRRJ staff member if they have gone above and beyond the call of duty. We will be sure keep record, and they’ll appreciate the positive feedback! MORE COMPLAINTSHRRJ takes all citizen complaints very seriously. Please let us know if we have failed to serve in any way, and we will be sure to address the issue.MORE VISIT US2690 ELMHURST LANEPORTSMOUTH, VA 23701INMATE INFO: 757-335-6260MAIN: 757-488-7500MORE MESSAGE USINFO@HRRJ.ORGWEBMASTER@HRRJ.ORGCAREERS@HRRJ.ORGPURCHASING@HRRJ.ORGMORE COMMENDCommend an HRRJ staff member if they have gone above and beyond the call of duty. We will be sure keep record, and they’ll appreciate the positive feedback! MORE COMPLAINTSHRRJ takes all citizen complaints very seriously. Please let us know if we have failed to serve in any way, and we will be sure to address the issue.MORE LEAVE A COMMENT OR SUGGESTION Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.NameFirstLastPhone NumberEmailComment or Message *Submit LEAVE A COMMENT OR SUGGESTION Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.NameFirstLastPhone NumberEmailComment or Message *Submit